Student Assistance and Family Empowerment
The SAFE Program provides a comprehensive range of prevention and intervention services for students and their families at the middle and high schools in the District.  The focus is based on student needs in the areas of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, violence and more recently mental health and the well-being of our students.  A variety of programs and resources are used to support that goal.


Dial 211:  Free, 24-hour crisis hotline and information and referral helpline which links people in need with assistance from more than 2,000 local health and human service programs.  Multilingual.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  1.800.273.8255 or
Speakout: Anonymous tip line for campuses  1.800.423.TIPS or     If you “see something, say something”.

For more information or questions, please contact Edward Carman
Phone: 407-905-5500 ext. 600-2115 [email protected]