Parking on campus is a privilege. Due to space available, there is a limit to the number of students who will be able to park on campus. Seniors and juniors in that order who meet the following criteria will be eligible for a parking decal on a first come, first serve basis:
1. Five (5) or fewer tardies to school the preceding semester.
2. Ten (10) or fewer unexcused absences the preceding semester.
3. Students with excessive discipline problems and/or suspension(s) may not be eligible.
4. Students who violate these criteria after purchasing a decal are subject to revocation.
Information on your vehicle and regulations covering operation of the vehicle on campus and in the parking area must be completed before a parking permit is granted. General rules applicable for all students are as follows:
1. All cars must be registered and properly permitted. Registration fee is $60.00.
2. Parking will be allowed in the STUDENT PARKING LOT in designated parking spots.
3. No one will be permitted to loiter in the parking lot.
4. Students may not occupy cars after arriving at school. Smoking in cars entering or exiting the parking lot is prohibited.
5. Any student with authorization to leave during the school day will not carry other students unless they have a permit to leave school.
6. Parking is not permitted in the circle to the entrance of the building at any time during the school day.
7. Driving on campus is restricted to 5 m.p.h.
8. Only seniors are permitted to park in the designated senior parking area.
9. Students using an invalid permit or violating the parking rules will lose their parking privileges.
10. School or District is not liable for damage/theft to automobiles in the school parking lot.
2024-2025 Parking Application.docx